[Zope3-Users] unexpected ':' char in declaration

Florian Lindner mailinglists at xgm.de
Sat Nov 13 11:09:19 EST 2004

E. Frerich schrieb:
> Am 11 Nov 2004 um 17:49 hat Florian Lindner geschrieben:
>>Roger Ineichen schrieb:
>>>Hi, Florian,
>>>Take a look at the root template like described at the error
>>>"ERROR root PageTemplateFile: Error in template:"
>>>       ^^^^
>>>Perhaps you have a error in this template.
>>What IS the root template:
>>the other template involved besides event.pt is template.pt. Here are
>>the first few lines:
>><metal:block define-macro="page">
>>   <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
>                                                                                                                  ^^^^
>                                                                                              ^^^^ 
> maybe the " is the problem
>>   <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
>>     <head>

That was it!



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