[Zope3-Users] ComponentLookupError

Jachin Rupe jachin at voltzsoftware.com
Mon May 15 18:39:06 EDT 2006

hi there

thanks for the help... but I have a new problem.  Now the addForm  
show up but if I try to actually add a person I get the following error:

2006-05-15T17:19:42 ERROR SiteError http://localhost:8080/+/ 
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/publisher/publish.py",  
line 138, in publish
     result = publication.callObject(request, object)
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/app/publication/ 
zopepublication.py", line 161, in callObject
     return mapply(ob, request.getPositionalArguments(), request)
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/publisher/publish.py",  
line 113, in mapply
     return debug_call(object, args)
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/publisher/publish.py",  
line 119, in debug_call
     return object(*args)
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/app/pagetemplate/ 
simpleviewclass.py", line 44, in __call__
     return self.index(*args, **kw)
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/app/pagetemplate/ 
viewpagetemplatefile.py", line 83, in __call__
     return self.im_func(im_self, *args, **kw)
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/app/pagetemplate/ 
viewpagetemplatefile.py", line 51, in __call__
     sourceAnnotations=getattr(debug_flags, 'sourceAnnotations', 0),
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/pagetemplate/ 
pagetemplate.py", line 117, in pt_render
     strictinsert=0, sourceAnnotations=sourceAnnotations)()
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/tal/ 
talinterpreter.py", line 277, in __call__
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/tal/ 
talinterpreter.py", line 352, in interpret
     handlers[opcode](self, args)
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/tal/ 
talinterpreter.py", line 908, in do_useMacro
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/tal/ 
talinterpreter.py", line 352, in interpret
     handlers[opcode](self, args)
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/tal/ 
talinterpreter.py", line 538, in do_optTag_tal
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/tal/ 
talinterpreter.py", line 523, in do_optTag
     return self.no_tag(start, program)
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/tal/ 
talinterpreter.py", line 518, in no_tag
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/tal/ 
talinterpreter.py", line 352, in interpret
     handlers[opcode](self, args)
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/tal/ 
talinterpreter.py", line 878, in do_defineMacro
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/tal/ 
talinterpreter.py", line 352, in interpret
     handlers[opcode](self, args)
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/tal/ 
talinterpreter.py", line 976, in do_defineSlot
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/tal/ 
talinterpreter.py", line 352, in interpret
     handlers[opcode](self, args)
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/tal/ 
talinterpreter.py", line 966, in do_defineSlot
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/tal/ 
talinterpreter.py", line 352, in interpret
     handlers[opcode](self, args)
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/tal/ 
talinterpreter.py", line 878, in do_defineMacro
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/tal/ 
talinterpreter.py", line 352, in interpret
     handlers[opcode](self, args)
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/tal/ 
talinterpreter.py", line 878, in do_defineMacro
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/tal/ 
talinterpreter.py", line 352, in interpret
     handlers[opcode](self, args)
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/tal/ 
talinterpreter.py", line 588, in do_setLocal_tal
     self.engine.setLocal(name, self.engine.evaluateValue(expr))
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/tales/tales.py", line  
696, in evaluate
     return expression(self)
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/tales/expressions.py",  
line 205, in __call__
     return self._eval(econtext)
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/tales/expressions.py",  
line 199, in _eval
     return ob()
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/app/form/browser/ 
add.py", line 62, in update
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/app/form/browser/ 
add.py", line 115, in createAndAdd
     adapted = self.schema(content)
   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/interface/ 
interface.py", line 682, in __call__
     raise TypeError("Could not adapt", obj, self)
TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <simple_abook.person.Person object at  
0x3b3a6f0>, <InterfaceClass simple_abook.interfaces.IPerson>)

I think this is saying that it can't adapt my Person object to the  
IPerson interface.

Am I still missing something?

Now for the sake of completeness here's the rest of the example so  
everyone can be on the same page:


	<!-- Person -->
		interface	= ".interfaces.IPerson"
		type		= "zope.app.content.interfaces.IContentType"
	<content class = ".person.Person">
			id			= "simple_abook.person.Person"
			description	= "A Person"
			permission	= "zope.View"
			interface	= ".interfaces.IPerson"
			permission	= "zope.View"
			set_schema	= ".interfaces.IPerson"
	<content class = ".streetAddress.StreetAddress">
			id            = "simple_abook.person.StreetAddress"
			description    = "A Person"
			permission    = "zope.View"
			interface    = ".interfaces.IStreetAddress"
			permission    = "zope.View"
			set_schema    = ".interfaces.IStreetAddress"
		label			= "Add a Person"
		fields			= "firstName lastName address"
		name			= "AddPerson.html"
		schema			= ".interfaces.IPerson"
		content_factory	= ".person.Person"
		class			= ".browser.PersonAddView"
		permission		= "zope.View"
		label			= "Edit a Person"
		schema			= ".interfaces.IPerson"
		for				= ".interfaces.IPerson"
		fields			= "firstName lastName address"
		name			= "edit.html"
		class			= ".browser.PersonEditView"
		permission		= "zope.View"
		menu			= "zmi_views"
		title			= "Edit"
		title			= "A Person"
		description		= "Add a Person"
		view			= "AddPerson.html"
		class			= ".person.Person"
		permission		= "zope.View"


from zope.app.form.browser.editview import EditView
from zope.app.form.browser.add import AddView
from zope.app.form import CustomWidgetFactory
from zope.app.form.browser import ObjectWidget

from interfaces import IPerson
from person import Person
from streetAddress import StreetAddress

st = CustomWidgetFactory(ObjectWidget, StreetAddress)

class PersonEditView(EditView):
	__used_for__ = IPerson
	address_widget = st

class PersonAddView(AddView):
	__used_for__ = IPerson
	address_widget = st


from zope.interface import Interface
import zope.schema

class IStreetAddress(Interface):
	"""A vine street address"""
	street = zope.schema.Text (
		description=u"The street address",
		required = False
	city = zope.schema.TextLine (
		description=u"The city.",
		required = False
	state = zope.schema.TextLine (
		description=u"The state.",
		required = False
	zipcode = zope.schema.TextLine (
		title=u"Zip Code",
		description=u"The zip code",
		required = False,
		min_length = 5

class IPerson(Interface):
	firstName = zope.schema.TextLine (
		title=u"First Name",
		description=u"The person's first name",
	lastName = zope.schema.TextLine (
		title=u"Last Name",
		description=u"The person's last name",
	address = zope.schema.Object (
		description=u"The person's adderess",
		schema = IStreetAddress


from persistent import Persistent
from zope.interface import implements

from abook.interfaces import IPerson
from abook.streetAddress import StreetAddress

class Person(Persistent):
	firstName = u""
	lastName = u""
	address = StreetAddress()


from persistent import Persistent
from zope.interface import implements

from abook.interfaces import IStreetAddress

class StreetAddress(Persistent):
	street = u""
	city = u""
	state = u""
	zipcode = u""

On May 12, 2006, at 6:42 AM, Egon Frerich wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Jachin,
> with these changes your application works:
> (new)
> - ---- browser.py ----
> from zope.app.form.browser.editview import EditView
> from zope.app.form.browser.add import AddView
> from zope.app.form import CustomWidgetFactory
> from zope.app.form.browser import ObjectWidget
> from interfaces import IPerson
> from person import Person
> from streetAddress import StreetAddress
> st = CustomWidgetFactory(ObjectWidget, StreetAddress)
> class PersonEditView(EditView):
>     __used_for__ = IPerson
>     address_widget = st
> class PersonAddView(AddView):
>     __used_for__ = IPerson
>     address_widget = st
> - ----- configure.zcml ----
> <configure
>     xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
>     xmlns:browser="http://namespaces.zope.org/browser"
>     xmlns:i18n="http://namespaces.zope.org/i18n"
>     i18n_domain="abook">
>     <!-- Person -->
>     <interface
>         interface    = ".interfaces.IPerson"
>         type        = "zope.app.content.interfaces.IContentType"
>         />
>     <content class = ".person.Person">
>         <factory
>             id            = "simple_abook.person.Person"
>             description    = "A Person"
>             />
>         <require
>             permission    = "zope.View"
>             interface    = ".interfaces.IPerson"
>             />
>         <require
>             permission    = "zope.View"
>             set_schema    = ".interfaces.IPerson"
>             />
>     </content>
>     <content class = ".streetAddress.StreetAddress">
>         <factory
>             id            = "simple_abook.person.StreetAddress"
>             description    = "A Person"
>             />
>         <require
>             permission    = "zope.View"
>             interface    = ".interfaces.IStreetAddress"
>             />
>         <require
>             permission    = "zope.View"
>             set_schema    = ".interfaces.IStreetAddress"
>             />
>     </content>
>     <browser:addform
>         label            = "Add a Person"
>         fields            = "firstName lastName address"
>         name            = "AddPerson.html"
>         schema            = ".interfaces.IPerson"
>         content_factory    = ".person.Person"
>         class=".browser.PersonAddView"
>         permission        = "zope.View"
>         />
>     <browser:editform
>         label            = "Edit a Person"
>         schema            = ".interfaces.IPerson"
>         for                = ".interfaces.IPerson"
>         fields            = "firstName lastName address"
>         name            = "edit.html"
>         class=".browser.PersonEditView"
>         permission        = "zope.View"
>         menu            = "zmi_views"
>         title            = "Edit"
>         />
>     <browser:addMenuItem
>         title            = "A Person"
>         description        = "Add a Person"
>         view            = "AddPerson.html"
>         class            = ".person.Person"
>         permission        = "zope.View"
>         />
> </configure>
> - -------- --------
> Regards,
> Egon
> - --
> Egon Frerich, Freudenbergstr. 16, 28213 Bremen
> E-Mail: e.frerich at nord-com.net
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (MingW32)
> Comment: GnuPT 2.7.2
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
> jvkyaY1jfGjM9/I1g/5HbLE=
> =Elf8

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