[Zope3-Users] Two content objects' simultaneous adding

Jean-Marc Orliaguet jmo at ita.chalmers.se
Sat May 20 09:21:52 EDT 2006

Jonathan wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "baiju m" <baiju.m.mail at gmail.com>
>> I have two content objects (both are containers) but I cannot add one
>> to another as give here :
>> ...
> I don't use zope 3 (yet!) but a quick look at the above code seems to 
> indicate that this is not a zope 3 issue:...
>>        square['Comp1'] = company
> This line treats square as if it were a python dictionary (not an 
> object, which it is!)

but he wrote that both are containers. zope3 use __setitem__ as a way to 
add items to containers, see: zope.app.container.interfaces.

class IWriteContainer(Interface):
    """An interface for the write aspects of a container."""

    def __setitem__(name, object):
        """Add the given `object` to the container under the given 


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