[Zope3-Users] custom widgets (IDisplayWidget)

Hassan Alirezaei hassan at isi.imi.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Sat Nov 25 15:18:52 EST 2006

FB wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sun, Nov 26, 2006 at 03:33:06AM +0900, Hassan Alirezaei wrote:
> [snip]
>> Just one last question. if the template just uses str() then what does the
>> following zcml do????? it is in the standard zope3 distribution under the
>> zope/app/form/browser/configure.zcml and I didn't notice any problem even
>> when i removed it. Is it just some irrelevant piece????
> Usually you don't need displaywidgets. But they're handy if you e.g. want to
> view an object's content knowing the schema interface without any template.
> The browser:schemadisplay zcml-directive does that.
>> This sounds really cool. I am really unfamiliar with namespaces though.
>> can you please tell me where in fb package (or mpgsite package) you define
>> this namespace.
> mpgsite uses two rather big tales-ns-adapters (mpg, mpgi18n), defined in
> mpgsite.tales. fb's approach is more modular. The i18n-ns-adapter's logic
> is in fb.i18n.tales, the registration is done in fb/i18n/configure.zcml .
> How those adapters work and how to write them yourself is explained in
> Stephan Richter's book.
> Regards,
> Frank
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Thank you very much Frank. This is basically what I need. Finally I got 
what I needed. I managed to make the namespace from fb to work with my 
settings.  I think I will just use the convenient FB package from now on 
though. Thanks again!

keep up the good work!!!

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