[Zope3-Users] Problem with z3c.form security when rendering error

Markus Kemmerling markus.kemmerling at meduniwien.ac.at
Thu Sep 20 15:26:07 EDT 2007

Hi Yuan,

Am 20.09.2007 um 18:17 schrieb Yuan HOng:

> I am new to z3c.form. In my first AddForm, I encountered the  
> following problem:
> When the form is submitted which contains some input error, like
> missing required fields, the rendering of the error message causes an
> system error.

I'm happy to see that someone else encounters this error, too ;-) See  
my posting about security concerns with `z3c.layer`'s trusted  
traversers one or two weeks ago.

> [...]

> So it seems the default z3c.form security declaration only allows
> access to 'update', 'error' and 'render' attributes of an
> ErrorViewSnippet object. I tried to work this around the by adding the
> 'widget' attribute to the IErrorViewSnippet interface and the system
> error is no longer raised. However, this time, another exception is
> raised saying the 'label' property of the widget is not accessible.

Try to add security declarations for the widgets you use as well (see  
the posting mentioned above).

> How can I setup my security properly to use z3c.form smoothly?
> Shouldn't 'widget'  not be in IErrorViewSnippet since it is evidently
> externally used in the rendering template?


> Thanks for suggestions.
> -- 
> Hong Yuan

Markus Kemmerling
Medical University Vienna
Core Unit for Medical Education
P.O. Box 10  A-1097 Vienna
phone: +43-1-40 160-36 863  fax: +43-1-40 160-93 65 00

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