[Zope3-Users] How to go further?

Simon simonrolin at gmail.com
Sun Sep 23 04:37:18 EDT 2007

Hi list,

I've just finish Phil's book and it was really a nice reading but I'm now
totaly lost....

I've try integrating several products to the worldcookery application but
without succes....

Could someone tell me for example how to integrate Fckeditor to it?

I just know that in my interfaces.py I need to do

from zope.html.field import XhtmlFragment

and then in "description" I need to do change Text in XhtmlFragment

but it's all i know....

Is there some more advanced book than the one of Phil???

Is there more documentation somewhere else???

Thanks for your help!


--  :-) Simon Rolin ;-)  --
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