[ZPT] CVS: Packages/Products/PageTemplates (Products/DC/PageTemplates) - Expressions.py:1.16

fred@digicool.com fred@digicool.com
Fri, 8 Jun 2001 16:59:26 -0400 (EDT)

Update of /cvs-repository/Packages/Products/PageTemplates
In directory korak.digicool.com:/tmp/cvs-serv20739

Modified Files:
Log Message:

Micro-optimization to avoid function calls.

--- Updated File Expressions.py in package Packages/Products/PageTemplates --
--- Expressions.py	2001/06/07 14:57:58	1.15
+++ Expressions.py	2001/06/08 20:59:26	1.16
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
         return base, path, dp
-    def _eval(self, (base, path, dp), econtext,
+    def _eval(self, (base, path, dp), econtext, securityManager,
               list=list, isinstance=isinstance, StringType=type('')):
         path = list(path) # Copy!
         contexts = econtext.contexts
@@ -193,14 +193,18 @@
                 has, ob = var.has_get(base)
                 if not has:
                     ob = contexts[base]
-            return restrictedTraverse(ob, path)
+            if path:
+                return restrictedTraverse(ob, path, securityManager)
+            else:
+                return ob
         except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError, IndexError,
                 'Unauthorized'), e:
             return Undefined(self._s, sys.exc_info())
     def __call__(self, econtext):
+        securityManager = getSecurityManager()
         for pathinfo in self._paths:
-            ob = self._eval(pathinfo, econtext)
+            ob = self._eval(pathinfo, econtext, securityManager)
             exists = not isinstance(ob, Undefined)
             if exists:
@@ -271,13 +275,9 @@
         return '<NotExpr %s>' % `self._s`
-def restrictedTraverse(self, path,
+def restrictedTraverse(self, path, securityManager,
                        get=getattr, has=hasattr, N=None, M=[]):
-    if not path: return self
-    securityManager = getSecurityManager()
     i = 0
     if not path[0]:
         # If the path starts with an empty string, go to the root first.