[ZPT] CVS: Products/PageTemplates/help - PageTemplate_Edit.stx:1.1

Evan Simpson evan@zope.com
Fri, 12 Oct 2001 15:45:05 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Products/PageTemplates/help
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv4356

Added Files:
Log Message:
Add edit-tab help.

=== Added File Products/PageTemplates/help/PageTemplate_Edit.stx ===
Edit View: Edit A Page Template

        This view allows you to edit the template's text, upload new
        text, or change the content type and title of the template.

    Template Text

        The text in a template must be well-formed HTML if the content
        type is 'text/html'.  Otherwise, it must be well-formed XML.
        Either way, it may include "TAL":tal.stx or "METAL":metal.stx
        markup containing "TALES":tales.stx expressions.

        'Title' -- Allows you to specify the Zope title of the template.
        'Content-Type' -- Allows you to specify the content-type that
        will be given to renderings of this template.
    Buttons and Other Form Elements

        'Save Changes' -- saves changes you make to the body, title, or
          content type.

        'Taller'/'Shorter'/'Wider'/'Narrower' -- make the body textarea
          taller, shorter, wider, or narrower.

        'File' -- upload a file into this template.

    File Upload Details

        Files uploaded into a template must be valid HTML or XML text.