[ZPT] new parser bug in 1.4 (tal:on-error mangles attributes)!

Geir Bækholt Geir Bækholt <geirh@funcom.com>
Tue, 11 Sep 2001 13:15:53 +0200

seems like tal:on-error somehow mangles class=3D"xx" declarations in
HTML-tags in ZPT1.4..

<div class=3D"topStory" tal:on-error=3D"nothing"></div>

somehow becomes

<div class=3D"class=3D&quot;topStory&quot;" tal:on-error=3D"nothing"></div>

when saving.

Only happens when expand-macros while editing is checked (i thought
that bit only concerned METAL) , and it only , as far as i can see,
happens to 'class' attributes.

tested a bit , and couldnt find it happening with any other
tal-statement, or any other HTML-attribute..

it does not seem to matter what is in the on-error , except if left
empty , like this: tal:on-error=3D"" .. Then it leaves the html alone..

Yep , i tested this in an empty template as well, just to make sure
nothing else interfered..

Didn't happen in 1.3. - Anyone seeen anything like it =3F

Geir B=E6kholt                   web-developer/zopatista
geirh@funcom.com             funcom oslo | webdev-team

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