[ZPT] Using on-error allows transaction to commit?

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Thu, 13 Sep 2001 22:51:30 +0200 (CEST)

Brent Hendricks writes:
 > ...
 > The exception causes Zope to abort the transaction and all
 > is well with the world....except that I'd like to detect this error
 > and print a nice message to the user explaining what to do.  I figured
 > that tal:on-error would be a good way to do it.  The problem is that
 > when on-error catches the exception, Zope no longer aborts the
 > database transaction.
 > I tired catching the exception myself in the python script and
 > manually calling get_transaction().abort() but get_transation()
 > doesn't seem to be defined for python scripts.  I suppose I could try
 > putting that in my external method, but that just seems like the wrong
 > place to do it.
Your options:

  *  do it in an External Method (as you explained above)

  *  customize the error handling page to recognize your
     exception and provide adequate explanatory text.
