[ZPT] XPath expressions in TAL

Dethe Elza delza@alliances.org
Fri, 21 Sep 2001 12:57:03 -0700

Evan Simpson wrote:

> a) not that I know of, and b) you're probably best off looking at the 
> PathExpr code in PageTemplates/Expressions.py for clues.


> Sounds neat!  How would you use XPath to do this?

In XForms, XPath is used to bind instance data to the form.  That's roughly what

I'm trying to do.  I can visualize how it will work to display data in 
the form, but how to weave changes in the form back into the XML 
instance data still eludes me.  One step at a time.



Dethe Elza (delza@burningtiger.com)
Chief Mad Scientist
Burning Tiger Technologies (http://burningtiger.com)
Living Code Weblog (http://livingcode.ca)