[ZPT] Composer question

Jean Jordaan jean@upfrontsystems.co.za
Mon, 16 Dec 2002 11:51:18 +0200

Hi all

Thanks for all the responses :)

Casey Duncan wrote:
> AFAIK the HTML spec only allows <option> inside <select>, so composer is just 
> enforcing the spec. 

Ah, I see:
<!ELEMENT SELECT - - (OPTGROUP|OPTION)+ -- option selector -->

I wouldn't have jammed in the extraneous elements, though, if
Composer didn't lose the <tal:block> style stuff. To make it
extra weird, it didn't just delete them -- it moves them up
to the start of the document, and rearranges them.
<tal:outer ...><tal:inner ...></tal:inner></tal:outer> became
<tal:outer ...></tal:outer><tal:inner ...></tal:inner>.
Maybe I should log this on Mozilla's bugzilla.

 > So you'll probably need to put the repeat on the option
> tag and move the python expression from the tal:define into tal:attributes.

This is what I did. It only loses a bit of readability.

Jean Jordaan