[ZPT] Parent property?

Clemens Robbenhaar robbenhaar at espresto.com
Mon Aug 18 21:34:31 EDT 2003

Hi Philip,
 > Hi List,
 > Am using: -
 > 	tal:attributes="value here/FolderIssue"
 > ...to set the value of a hidden form field. However, in production the 
 > "FolderIssue" is a property of the /parent/ folder - what is the syntax 
 > to pull the property value from the parent folder?

 a) try to find a better solution than properties to store the information

 b) if You feel that a) is not very helpful ;) try the following

    - create a script "getFolderIssueForForm" in the folder where the
      property is really wanted from with the content:

      return container.getProperty('FolderIssue')

    - use tal:attributes="value here/getFolderIssueForForm"
      (i.e. call the script instead of getting the property)

Maybe this helps?


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