[ZPT] Mini proposal: repeat-define and repeat-condition

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Sun, 26 Jan 2003 19:43:58 +0100

Evan Simpson wrote at 2003-1-25 22:38 -0600:
 > Fernando Martins wrote:
 > > That was also the explanation given by Evans Simpson, but semicolons can
 > > only appear in string expressions.
 > This is incorrect.  All of the following are legal expressions 
 > containing semicolons:
 > string:;
 > python:';'
 > options/adict/a;b
 > exists:request/form/a;b
What is the semantics of ";" in the last two examples?

   I never saw a description of the operator ";" for these contexts.
