[ZPT] including text/xml templates inside a text/html template changes Content-Type

Troy Farrell troy@entheossoft.com
Wed, 29 Jan 2003 11:27:52 -0600

Upgrading to Zope 2.6.0 appears to fix the issue.  Thanks for guessing 


Troy Farrell wrote:
> The XML-thingy I am inserting is a page template called complex_dv_doc. 
>  It's content type is text/xml.  I agree with your hypothesis about it 
> setting the Content-Type when it's rendered before insertion.
> Hmmmm. I smell a bug.
> I tested my theory by doing this:
> 1) changed the content type of the last outside template called from 
> text/xml to application/whackadoo.
> 2) GET /dailyverse/index_html HTTP/1.0
> What do I find?
> Content-Type: application/whackadoo
> Erg.  Looking at the zope 2.6.0b2 changelog:
>       - Zope Page Templates set a 'content-type' header even if
>         the result of their execution was not rendered to the browser.
>         We now check to make sure a content-type header is not
>         already set before allowing a page template to set its own.
> I'll test this issue on Zope 2.6.0 (currently on 2.5.1) and see if it is 
> still a problem.
> Thanks.
> Troy