[ZPT] What about Tassle ?

Stefan Bund sbund@artec-berlin.com
Thu, 20 Mar 2003 10:55:24 +0100

Hello folks,

last year (May 2002 to be exact), I was *very* interested in the
thread entitled "Stylesheet Language" started by Evan Simpson.

Now I ask the question, what has come of it? I've searched zope.org up
and down without finding a single mention of Tassle, TSSL or
Stylesheet Language. Has anyone started writing a
specification/implementation/whatever? I don't actively follow Zope3
development (though I'd like to ...) so if there is something in this
direction in Zope3 I'd appreciate a pointer.

The idea was really great and would solve a problem I've had several
times, it would be sad to drop it.

I'd be interested in contributing, but my resources are very
constrained. I can try to inject some of it into other projects if I
can justify it, but I can't promise :-)

So I hope we'll get somewhere with this thing,


Stefan Bund, Dipl.Phys.                   a   r   T   e  c      _____
Entwicklung, Administration               visual solutions     / |  /|
sbund@artec-berlin.com                                        | /  | /
Fon: 030 / 884684-0 | Fax: 030 / 884684-15                    |/___|/

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