[ZPT] Problem sending value through radio button

Nguyen, Joe Joe.Nguyen at coair.com
Mon Mar 22 16:57:21 EST 2004



I hope I'm posting this in the correct mail-list.  

My code:



<FORM  ACTION="http://.... edit_exam_questions">

Click on the corresponding exam you would like to edit.<P>


  <div tal:repeat = "testName

    <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="exam" VALUE=container.testName>

    <span tal:content="testName"></span>


    <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="submit">  



I am trying to send the value of "testName" to the next page.  When I send
it, all I get is the string "container.testName"


I try to display the value in "http://.... edit_exam_questions" this way.

<H2 tal:content="python:context.REQUEST.get('exam')"></H2>


I've been racking my brains for days.  Any suggestions would be greatly
appreciated. Thank you very much.




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