Fwd: [ZPT] HTML data entry forms and ZPTs

Phillip Hutchings sitharus at gmail.com
Mon May 9 17:13:03 EDT 2005

> Here is the entire body of the Python script "delete_person_py(id)" that the
> ZPT <form> tag is trying to call and that in turn invokes the ZSQL
> "delete_person" method:
>        container.delete_person(person_id=id)

shouldn't that be something like
container.delete_person(person_id=REQUEST.form['person_id']) ?

> and here's the ZSQL method "delete_person" that it calls:
>        delete from person where person_id = <dtml-sqlvar person_id type=int>

Phillip Hutchings
sitharus at gmail.com / sitharus at sitharus.com

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