[ZPT] Using alternatives to Zope's DateTime module in PageTemplates

Charlie Clark charlie at egenix.com
Tue Oct 24 16:43:38 EDT 2006

Am 24.10.2006, 22:26 Uhr, schrieb Dieter Maurer <dieter at handshake.de>:

> Charlie Clark wrote at 2006-10-23 16:03 +0200:
>> ...
>> ah, the problem seems that Python datetime returns extension types and  
>> not
>> classes and Zope's security does not work with extension types!
> It does, but you need to use "allowType"...

Thanks for that.

import datetime


do work but

calling strftime() on a datetime object throws an import error

Error Type: ImportError
Error Value: import of "__doc__" from "time" is unauthorized. You are not  
allowed to access '__doc__' in this context

Is this correct?

This is the same error thrown when using a wrapper class that uses  
getattr(datime_object, method_name) instead of overwriting the methods.

Charlie Clark

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