[ZPT] Relax ng schema

Nils Fredrik Gjerull nilsfr at student.matnat.uio.no
Mon Feb 26 04:12:21 EST 2007

In my job I work a lot with zope and zpt documents. I use nxml mode in 
Emacs when I write zpt templates based on xhtml. The nxml mode has a 
schema to validate xhtml, but not to validate tal and metal attributes 
and tags. I have searched around on the Internet for a schema for xhtml 
and zpt, but have found none. This weekend I spent some time learning 
relax ng compact syntax and made an extension to the xhtml schema used 
by nxml mode that validates tal and metal as well, with some 
limitations. I am not confident in how well it works as I have not 
tested it much. However, I do wonder if someone else have done some work 
on something similar or if there is an interest for such a schema.

The schema I have made is an extension to xhtml and will not work with 
other kinds of xml documents. I think it would be possible to make a 
schema that validates only tal and metal.


Nils Fredrik Gjerull
"Ministry of Eternal Affairs"
Computer Department
( Not an official title :) )

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