[Zope-Coders] Proposal: put i18n into 2.6

Alexander Limi alexander@zope.no
Sun, 15 Sep 2002 18:39:14 +0200

Florent Guillaume wrote:
>> Why deprive ourselves (and the world) of i18n in
>> 2.6 when there is practically nothing to do to integrate it?

Toby Dickinson wrote:
> Because its already too late.

I would beg to differ. If I have any weight to throw around here, I would
seriously recommend that the i18n hooks that Florent already has provided are

I'm not looking to start a flame war here, but if English is one's native
language, one does in fact not realize just *how important* i18n is to the

As Florent pointed out, this will be a minimal risk, as it is just the hooks to
enable the actual translation, and not the translation services themselves. It
is a very very small change to the existing code base.

Plone (which is the itch I happen to scratch) is fully i18n enabled now, but it
is a nightmare to set up, patch zope, and in general get it working. To us, it
is a critical aspect of Plone's future success.

And don't tell me about 2.7, we all know that it won't be out in a while yet.
We need i18n, and we need it *now*.

Sorry for my tone here, but this sort of thing actually annoys me a lot. And I
know this goes for the rest of the non-English-speaking world too. Please
include these hooks in Zope 2.6. If there is one occasion where we should
consider deviating from the "no new code after beta is tagged", this is it.

-- Alexander Limi

(this is CCed to Plone-i18n and Plone-developers, as it is relevant to these
parties too.)