[Zope-Moz] Hi I just joined...

Shalabh Chaturvedi shalabh@pspl.co.in
Tue, 11 Jan 2000 12:21:59 +0530

From: Martijn Pieters <mj@digicool.com>
>                                  <snipped>
> From my point of view, I think that Zope needs a central registry for
> Products that lists what actions can be taken on a given object, so that
> any IDE can give at least a generic interface for object manipulation.
> Plugins can take care of specific tricky details. This ensures
> compatibility with current and future IDEs. I am thinking along the
> lines of the way Java Beans and ECMAScript Components are defined
> (ECMA-290).

I'll vote for this too.

> ZopeStudio (Mozilla Zope interface) does not (yet) use XML-RPC, as this
> is not possible from JavaScript. Mozilla just doesn't have the
> infrastructure for this. But as we discuss what way ZopeStudio _will_
> communicate with the server, there is no reason why we should lock out
> other IDEs.

Mozilla has great concepts and architecture and would be wonderful to work
with. But the fud I have about using mozilla is: when will it be ready and
will it be robust enough?
Other IDEs that have been around would be a much more stable and less risky to
use. It may take a little more time, though. I find wxPython a very good
candidate. IE is good in some sense but has the platform disadvantage.
