[Zope-Moz] Hi I just joined...

Paul Everitt paul@digicool.com
Tue, 11 Jan 2000 06:58:27 -0500

Shalabh Chaturvedi wrote:
> Mozilla has great concepts and architecture and would be wonderful to work
> with. But the fud I have about using mozilla is: when will it be ready and
> will it be robust enough?
> Other IDEs that have been around would be a much more stable and less risky to
> use. It may take a little more time, though. I find wxPython a very good
> candidate. IE is good in some sense but has the platform disadvantage.

That's fine, and wxPython is a great architecture.  I encourage any and
all to build IDEs using various tools and integrate Zope with other

However, Digital Creations is doing Mozilla.  We've made the business
case pretty clear on this: partner with an Open Source leader, stick
with a "thin client" web architecture, etc.

Is Mozilla ready?  No, but neither is the Zope Studio.  By the time
we're ready, they'll be ready.

In conclusion, let's not bring this up again.  Much of the architecture
created here, certainly the abstractions on the server side, will allow
many approaches, and all of them are Good Things.
