[Zope-Moz] Re: [Zope-Moz] Réf. : Re: [Zope-Moz] Zope pr eferences in Mozillaa eferences in Mozillaa

Shalabh Chaturvedi shalabh@pspl.co.in
Mon, 17 Jan 2000 20:48:20 +0530

----- Original Message -----
From: <kamon.ayeva@bureauveritas.com>
> Hi,
> Does the following scenario sounds workable for you:
> 1/ Before launching Zope-Studio the first time, you need to launch Mozilla
> the normal way. This allows you to set your profile as a Zope Content
> Manager. This profile sets some general Zope related preferences.
> 2/ Then you re-start in Zope-studio mode as presented by Martijn and
> Shalabh.
> 3/ Anytime, you can do Edit - Preferences and access the Mozilla
> Preferences which contains the following additional Zope related panels:
> - Zope
> Preferences examples include "Show Control Panel in the Zope-Studio
> Management tree" and "Show Portal Toolbar" (checkboxes).
> I started experimenting this one at home this week-end, though I have not
> yet investigated the technical problems of having, for example, an option
> to show/hide the Zope control panel part of a Zope server tree.
> - Portal Toolkit (subbranch of previous one)
> - Zope panels in Sidebar.

I still feel there shouldn't be a need for the zope user to boot mozilla into
'normal mode'. The mozilla preferences dialog options may be extendable but
that is mostly meant for browser plugins or add-ons (eg a flash player,
realaudio plugin, alexa and stuff like that). Zope Studio is not an 'add-on' -
it has nothing to do with web browsing.

In the scenario you present above why shouldn't we allow the user to boot
mozilla into 'zope mode' the first time itself and configure zope through its
'preferences' menu? (You do that with mozilla itself, don't you?)

We /can/ put zope preferences into the mozilla main prefences box but I
wouldn't want to see the entire mozilla preferences in the Zope Studio ->
(some menu) -> Preferences.. dialog.

I think keeping the zope preferences dialog _look_ like the mozilla one and
allowing extensions (like Martijn suggested) is a good idea.
