[Zope-Moz] Robb Checks In

Robb Beal thanksbellatlantic@yahoo.com
Mon, 6 Mar 2000 15:57:44 -0800 (PST)


Robb Beal, information architect (IA) and part-time
developer, here! Sorry for getting to the Moz-Zope
party late.

Friends call me a geek with taste. (The geek part is
undeniable!) I'm hoping to bring my IA [1] and
usability skills to bear on all things Zope.

Zope is a great product! Easily on par with many of
the commercial web app servers. Kudos to everyone
who's contributed to it.

Where am I wrt ZIDE? Have downloaded and used both
MartiJn's (is the J capitalized :-) and Shalabh's XUL
examples. Also, did a simple test where I served up a
Scripting.com XML file with linked CSS via Zope. Now
it's clear why XSL is around! (Don't have a net
connection with decent upstream bandwidth, so if
anyone has a small Zope collaboration sandbox I could
play in, it would be appreciated.)

Off to do some WebObjects hacking to pay the bills.

Robb Beal

[1] A simple definition of IA:

The foundation for great Web design. It is the
blueprint of the site upon which all other aspects are
built - form, function, metaphor, navigation and
interface, interaction, and visual design.

--Survey Says--
On a scale of 1 to 5, with one being "I'm really good
at it", please judge yourself on the following if you
intend to
participate in the Zope Studio.

1) HTML 4

  1--Though it seems more and more irrelevant as web
tools mature.

2) Web graphics.

  2--I'm a closet graphic designer. I sweat
pixels--not literally. Have had a fair amount of face
time with DW and GoLive, so hope I can help assess the
benes of borrowing ideas from them.

3) JavaScript.

  3--Basic familiarity. Keep a reference close by.

4) CSS.

  3--Basic familiarity.

5) XML.

  2--Well, I bought an XML book in late '97 which
implies only that I knew about it before it was

6) RDF.

  2--My work in Metadata Repositories fueled interest
in it. Had dreams of a desktop simplified directed
graph viewer/editor for relating desktop objects.

7) DOM.

  3--Know of it. Haven't had a burning desire to
manipulate page elements on the client with it to

8) COM programming (meaning you'll be familiar with

  5--As someone else said, I'm too much of a simpleton
for COM.
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