[Zope-Moz] Getting started

Jeffrey P Shell jeffrey@Digicool.com
Tue, 16 May 2000 12:27:06 -0400

on 5/16/2000 12:14 PM, Martijn Pieters at mj@digicool.com wrote::

> Right now, I am trying to find a way of making it easy for an outsider to
> crank up a CVS checkout with a nightly. This is proving to be difficult
> because I have to copy half the Mozilla build system it seems. The guy
> responsible for the current pickle I am in has RSI and is not always capable
> of typing up the emails that explain when he has the strength again to code up
> the fixes! If M16 is going to contain this problem, it will be worth the
> effort of setting up a script or system that will set up the right symlinks
> for you, or copies if you are on a Win32 system.

To make things more fun, I'm on a MacOS 9 system :)  And I don't have
Codewarrior or any other build tools except for those in MacOS X (waiting
now for my Developer Preview 4 CD to arrive).  And then there's the problem
that Fizzilla (a Carbon/Unix mixed port of Mozilla for MacOS X) is a tad
behind.  Sigh.

Jeffrey P Shell, jeffrey@Digicool.com