[Zope-Coders] Proposal: put i18n into 2.6

Brian Lloyd brian@zope.com
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 13:43:12 -0400

> >>Are we at a position yet where people outside of ZC can release an
> > 
> > official
> > 
> >>version of Zope?
> > 
> > 
> > How difficult is it to release a version of beta?
> > How much work is it?
> > Is that's whats been holding it up or is it some bugs?
> I think one thing that holds up releases is the Win32 installer.  Last I 
> heard, we use a non-free tool to generate the installer.  I think we 
> ought to switch to Inno Setup, which I've used before with great 
> success... even through Wine. ;-)

Sidestepping the WISE vs. Inno issue, I don't think that the 
win32 installer is a significant factor at all. The installer 
very rarely changes.

To build the Zope release set as we currently do, you would need:

  - Us at ZC to move the "binary repository" to the public side 
    of the CVS fence (which would not be a big problem)

  - A Linux box with suitable compilers (I'd have to see exactly
    what libs etc. we require - Matt posted on this a few weeks

  - A Solaris box (2.8 I think is what we're moving to - again I'd
    have to go back at look at Matt's proposal) w/compilers etc.

  - A win32 box with MSVC++ 6 and WISE 5+ (to package the install),
    and the Python sources and libs (Zope binaries include a 
    complete Python binary).

  - The stick-to-it-iveness to test each of the builds on each platform
    to make sure nothing was forgotten (a newly added binary piece not
    added to the packaging or install scripts, etc.), which implies 
    some patience and attention to detail. :)

I would be ecstatic to get volunteers... 

Brian Lloyd        brian@zope.com
V.P. Engineering   540.361.1716              
Zope Corporation   http://www.zope.com